Event Year 2017

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Odyssey Night 2017

Date : 19 JULY 2017

Venue: TARUC Penang Branch Campus Campus Auditorium

The grand Odyssey Night, an annual event organised by the Student Representative Council was aimed to discover hidden talents among the freshmen. In the process, freshmen and seniors build good long lasting relationships and assist freshmen to adapt to the TARUCian culture.

The theme for the Odyssey Night this year was “Fantasy: Castle in the sky”. The contestants were freshmen from the May 2017 intake. Preparations for the Odyssey Night began with many rounds of auditions. The first round was held in Week 2. A semi-final round was held in Week 6 to identify the most talented and capable contestants for the finals. Eventually, only five groups of talented contestants, together with four male and three female prom contestants were short listed for the final.

The event’s VIP was Assoc. Prof. Dr. Toh Guat Guan, TAR UC Penang, Branch Campus Head. The three invited judges were Ms. Veronique Quah, Mr. Eazy Tan and Ms. Soo Jia Yong.

The much coveted title of Prom Queen was awarded to contestant F2, Ms. Teoh Jia Xin. The Talent King title was bagged by contestant T3, Mr. Ng Zi Heng and the title of Prom King was won by contestant M4, Mr. Yew Jun Jie. The evening ended with a victory parade. 

Winners of the Odyssey Night 2017 with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Toh Guat Guan, Branch Campus Head