Event Year 2017

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Science & Mathematics Week SMJK Jit Sin 2017

Date : 05 April 2017

Venue : Dewan Sekolah SMJK Jit Sin

TAR UC Penang Branch Electronics Society was invited to join Sekolah Menengah Jenis Kebangsaan Jit Sin, Science & Mathematics Week 2017’s Pameran Sains dan Matematik to promote technology to students at Jit Sin. Eight Universities and Colleges participated in the exhibition with some outstanding science demonstrations by SMJK Jit Sin science students.

The TAR UC team comprised of four students, led by the Society’s Advisor, Mr. Khoo Boo Wooi. The students were Foo Chi Wei, Oon Li Khai, Law Boon Kai and Lee Wei Wen who showcased their projects during the exhibition, namely:

The participation at the Science and Mathematics Exhibition provided the participants a chance to share their projects with secondary school science students. Many students from Jit Sin were attracted to our booth and inspired by the ingenuity of our students’ project. Hopefully, we are able to leave them an inspiration, to be more enterprising and to explore further in the field of  technological innovations.

TAR UC Booth

Jit Sin Students drawn to our project demonstration

Jit Sin Students seeking technological details at the exhibition

Explaining the Intelligent Traffic System to interested students from Jit Sin

Mr Khoo, the Advisor explaining the Arduino Lift System

The Principal of SMJK Jit Sin, Mr Lim Thaim Aun, with TAR UC students

The Principal of SMJK Jit Sin, Mr Lim Thaim Aun, giving the Certificate of Appreciation to a TAR UC representative

A Jit Sin student given a chance to control the Lego robot by using a smart phone