Event Year 2017
Shariah Financial Planning Workshop
Date : 15 JULY 2017
Venue: DKG, TAR UC Penang Branch Campus
The TAR UC Penang Branch Campus, Accounting and Finance Society successfully organised a one day Shariah Financial Planning Workshop which was fully sponsored by the Malaysian Financial Planning Council (MFPC) and the Capital Market Development Fund (CMDF). The workshop held on 15 July 2017, was attended by 120 Banking & Finance and Finance & Investment students.
A sharing session was held with En. Zainal Abidin (RFP, Shariah RFP, ChIFP, ChLP, FChFP, FCLP, AFPP, NAMLIFA Associate, MFPC Certified RFP & Shariah RFP Trainer), Mr. Charles Tan Swee Choon (FLPC Certified Moderator Register Financial Consultant (USA), Chartered Investment & Finance Practitioner (APFinSA) and Affiliate RFP (MFPC)) and Ms Chung Kar Yin (Executive Director of MFPC). The workshop was aimed to create awareness about the importance of financial planning at an early age.