Event Year 2021

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CSS Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Date: 19 April 2021

Computer Science Society (CSS) held an Annual General Meeting (AGM) in order to elect new committee members for the academic year 2021/2022. This event welcomed all students from the Faculty of Computing and Information Technology (FOCS) to vote for their preferred candidates.

Before the AGM, the organizing committee created a promotional brochure and sent it to FOCS students via social media platforms. On the day of the AGM, FOCS students joined the meeting via Google Meet.

First, the organizing committee presented a summary of all CSS activities in the academic year 2020/2021. After that, the election for the new main committee of CSS began. The election started with the position of Activity Director, followed by Publicity, Auditor, Treasurer, Vice Treasurer, Secretary, Vice Secretary, then finally the President and Vice President positions. All participants were requested to vote for the new main committee by via Google Forms.

At the end of the session, all participants were required to leave the Google Meet session. Only the advisor, existing and newly selected main committee remained online to discuss future plans and task distribution for

The existing and newly elected Computer Science Society main committee were getting to know each other.